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Drake And Kendricks Continuing Feud

Kendrick Lamar Releases "Meet the Grahams" Diss Track, Targeting Drake's Family

Drake and Kendrick's Continuing Feud

In a surprising turn of events, Kendrick Lamar has released a diss track titled "Meet the Grahams" aimed at Canadian rapper Drake. The track serves as the second diss track released by Kendrick today, following the release of "616 in LA" earlier in the day.

Lyrical Content and Family Ties

"Meet the Grahams" is a scathing indictment of Drake's family members, specifically targeting his alleged daughter and her mother. Kendrick's lyrics are deeply personal and attack Drake's family in a highly controversial manner.

Public Reaction and Industry Speculation

The release of "Meet the Grahams" has sent shockwaves through the music industry and beyond. Fans are divided in their reactions, with some praising Kendrick's lyrical prowess while others condemn the track's content as too personal.


Kendrick Lamar's "Meet the Grahams" is a bombshell in the ongoing feud between Drake and himself. The track's deeply personal lyrics and attack on Drake's family have provoked a range of emotions, from shock and awe to disgust and condemnation. It remains to be seen how Drake will respond to this latest salvo, but one thing is clear: the feud between these two hip-hop heavyweights is far from over.
